При подготовке на кембриджский экзамен на уровень B1/B2 учились писать е-мейл с рекомендациями — email about touring holiday. Емейл должен быть написан в ответ на сообщение, что однокашники друга собираются приехать на неделю в мой родной город, и рассказать о некоторых местах, которые они могут посетить, и каким образом лучше передвигаться по моему городу. Объем емейла 140-190 слов.

Филармония, новый зал им. Каца
Email about touring holiday
From: Lyuda
Subject: Re: touring holiday
Hi, David!
Nice to get email from you! How are you getting on?
It’s great that your friends’ve decided to visit Novosibirsk in summer because the weather now is much better than in winter. Although Novosibirsk is a young city, guys will have a lot to see and learn.
Firstly, if the weather is good they may go for a walk in the city center. There are a lot of old houses and monuments. But if it’s rainy they may visit museums, galleries and theatres.
My city is large, so your friends need to rent a car or get a taxi to visit interesting places far from the center, for example, the Zoo, the Planetarium, Academgorodok and etc.
The weather is quite hot here in summer, so they may like to go to the beach. One of them is almost in the center of the city, so they could go there by metro.
Well, I hope your friends will take a pleasant time in Novosibirsk! I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes,