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Article about sport, Yoga: strength and flexibility
Yoga: strength and flexibility
I love doing yoga. I started going to the gym 1 year ago because I wanted to do any physical activities. Fortunately, at that time yoga course started there and I was interested in such a kind of sport.
When I started doing yoga, I immediately found that I love it. I didn’t want to do a competitive sport, I wanted only to improve my health, and yoga gave it all to me. People think that yoga gives only flexibility to its followers. However, it isn’t true because stretching without strength is impossible.
I would recommend yoga to people who like doing an individual sport. Although it doesn’t build up your muscle, it does your muscles corset stronger. Besides, yoga gives you a flexibility. So, yoga let your body develop harmoniously. In addition, yoga teaches you to listen to yourself.
For people who are competitive and like playing team games also may enjoy doing yoga for getting more flexibility and for knowing all possibilities of their body.