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Restaurants in the Parus sanatorium

Review about restaurant — Restaurants in the sanatorium Parus
The Parus sanatorium opened its doors last December in Kudruashi township. It has 3 superb restaurants. I’ve already been there for several times and I really enjoy them.
There is the largest hall on the 3d floor called Mansarda. This hall is intended for special events: banquets, wedding parties, etc. The surroundings are modern and very beautiful, the area is airy and gala. The waiters there are welcoming and prompt, but the waiters in another hall, that is used as a canteen, aren’t so rushed sometimes, as is often the case when the restaurant has just been opened.
As I was there not once, I tried a lot of items on the menu. Some dishes were simple, like homemade, and others were complicated. But all of them were satisfying, delicious and served beautifully. What I really liked, the chef cooks healthy food, for example, there were a lot of grilled dishes in the menu.
I was in Mansarda as a guest, so I’m not sure about prices, but I think, this place isn’t cheap. Of course, Parus is quite far from Novosibirsk, and you can’t go there for lunch, but I would highly recommend this place for special events.