При подготовке на кембриджский экзамен на уровень B1/B2 учились писать отчет об однодневной экскурсии всем классом — Report about excursion. Свой отчет я написала про поход класса моей дочери в кинотеатр на просмотр нового фильма «Движение вверх». Отчет должен был ответить на два вопроса: что вы делали и почему вы думаете, что день был удачным. Объем отчета 140-190 слов.

Report about excursion — Trip to cinema
Trip to cinema
Purpose of trip
On January19th, my daughter’s class took a break from normal lessons and went to the cinema. The purpose of their visit was to watch the movie ‘Going vertical”. My purpose was to accompany the class to provide the safety.
What movie about
This film is about the victory of a Soviet national basketball team over an American team at the 1972 Olympic games in Munich. Also, this movie is about Soviet history, about sport and love. Moreover, schoolchildren had a rest from daily routine, bought some popcorn and could converse to each other after the cinema session.
All children were excited about the film. They loudly rooted for the Soviet basketball team during the final match. The pupils learnt a lot: how to make a success in difficult conditions, how people lived in Soviet past. I think, the movie was very instructive for the children, in addition, it was well filmed and had good acting. I may recommend to watch this film both for children and adults.