В учебнике по английскому языку у дочки было задание подготовить презентацию про один из штатов США. Дочка решила сделать презентацию про штат Вашингтон (не путать с городом — столицей Вашингтон). Готовую презентацию даже показали ученикам 8 класса.
Presentation Washington state

Presentation Washington state
Washington is a state in the northwest of the United States, the 42nd state in the country. The capital is the city of Olympia, the largest city is Seattle. The population is about 7 million people.

The capital is the city of Olympia
To avoid confusion with the US capital, the name of the latter is usually accompanied by the phrase «District of Columbia». The official nickname is «Evergreen State».
In the north, Washington is bordered by the Canadian province of British Columbia, in the east — with the state of Idaho, in the south — with the state of Oregon. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Where does Washington US located?
The total area is one hundred eighty five thousand km² (the 18th place in the USA), out of which one hundred seventy three thousand km² on land.
On the coast of the state lies Cape Alava, the westernmost point of the Continental states.

Cape Alava is the westernmost point of the Continental states
Ethnic origin of inhabitants:
- 21 % Germans

- 13% The British

- 13% Irish

- And others.
The state of Washington has a system of state highways, as well as an advanced ferry system, which is the largest in the country and the third largest in the world.

The state of Washington has a system of state highways
There are also 140 public airfields in Washington State, including 16 state airports owned by the Washington State Department of Transportation. In addition, Seattle hosts the Boeing Field, one of the busiest airports in the US for freight and special purposes. The unique geographical location of Washington State determined its exceptional needs for various modes of transport.

Boeing Field is one of the busiest airports in the US
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