Для подготовки сдачи экзамена учусь писать эссе на английском. На уровень B1/B2 эссе должно содержать 140-190 слов. Обязательно введение, несколько аргументов, разбитых на абзацы, вывод. Оценивается использование вводных слов. Тема эссе — о загрязнении окружающей среды, essay about pollution the environment, ответ на вопрос: Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved? Необходимо написать эссе, используя две предложенных заметки (transport и rivers and seas), а также предложить свою причину.
Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?
It is the truth that progress goes together with pollution and damage to the environment. What can we do to solve this problem?
Firstly, our economy depends on the transport system. Besides, modern transport, which works on petrol, pollutes the atmosphere. We cannot stop using cars, trains and planes, but we can us a car which works on electricity or cleaned petrol.
Secondly, a huge problem is the pollution of rivers and seas and using them as a rubbish dump. And even when one country does it, the rest of the world gets this problem. We cannot use the World Ocean as a rubbish place too, we must clean all water that we pour into rivers and seas.
Finally, a huge amount of rubbish poisons the space around our cities and towns. We must sort the rubbish and use recycling as much as possible.
So, if we want to breathe fresh air and eat healthy food, each of us must care about the environment. Even your decision to buy something in a paper or plastic sack is a small solving of this problem.