При подготовке на кембриджский экзамен на уровень B1/B2 учились писать е-мейл о первой работе — email about first job. Свой емейл я написала про свою первую оплачиваемую работу на 5 курсе института. Емейл должен быть написан в ответ на просьбу помочь с проектом и рассказать о своей первой работе, чему она научила и какие были трудности при ее выполнении. Объем емейла 140-190 слов.

my first job
Email about first job
Hi Bob
I’m glad to hear from you!
When I was at school and at University, I spent summer time in the countryside. I had a rest and worked growing vegetables at our dacha, so it was unpaid work.
I got my first job when I studied at the 5th course at University. It wasn’t a usual job for students that young people can get, such as waiters, kitchen workers, promoters, and etc. I worked as an auditor assistant and it was undergraduate practice, however it was a paid job.
It was very useful to know a lot of things about my future profession. Besides, I’ve got a lot of information for writing my graduate work.
Of course, my job took up so much time that I needed for studying and preparation for exams. At the same time, I know I was lucky getting a job that became my first job after graduating. Well, my first job wasn’t well-paid, but it gave me a huge professional experience.
I hope my letter helps you and good luck with your project!
Best wishes,